It is no secret that locked in many plants are powerful nutritive, protective, balancing and cleansing properties. The key to unlocking their benefits is to capture their vital essence.

For that reason, Energetix embraces the spagyric processing method, a meticulous and time-intensive procedure that was first defined by Paracelsus in the 16th century.  Spagyric processing creates pure, concentrated, and bioavailable extracts from the plant while preserving the elements beneficial for proper assimilation.

Bitter Wormwood
By sourcing organic and wild-crafted raw materials whenever possible, Energetix ensures that our single herb and herbal blend formulas are of the highest quality available.
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What is in a name? Our botanical formulas start with “Core” followed by the herb which is at the core of that formula (ex. Core Ashwagandha). If the product is a combination of multiple botanicals, the primary component is named and “blend” is added to the end. (ex. Core Artemisia Blend).

If you would like to learn how to incorporate spagyric botanicals into your practice, contact us today at 800.990.7085.